Tuesday 27 March 2018

How To Start Your Career as a Child Model

Although a career as a teen model can offer the best work and glamorous settings. If you are interested in giving it a try, be prepared to work hard, stay focused and avoid taking rejection too personally. Confidence, a healthy attitude and supportive parents are crucial when launching a teen modelling career. If you think your child has what it takes to make it in the glamorous world of Kids Modelling, we've put together a guide to help you get your little one on the right track for catwalk domination.

A good place to start is to get a recommendation on which Modelling Agency to go with, by asking around for friends or colleagues who might already have a child in an agency. Make sure you understand the process of applying and the total cost of joining. Some agencies will say that they do not charge but then say that you will need to have professional pictures were taken that can cost well.
Initially, you will only need to send in a couple of colour snaps of your child, they do not need to be professional photos.Natural photos work best and do make sure they are clear and in focus and that at least one of them shows their face and features clearly.
The Modelling Agencies will decide whether they use those images or ask you to bring your child along for a photoshoot. Always ask if there is a cost involved and how often you will need to update the photographs.Depending on your child’s age, it should be on average: babies: every six months until they are walking; young children: every 12-18 months; older children: every 24 months, unless you see a big change in them within that period of time.
A Modellling portfolio is just a bound book with plastic sleeve pages for displaying photographs. Insert several of the best photos from the photo shoot into the portfolio. If you are uncertain about a picture, don’t include it. It's better to have a few great shots instead of dozens of mediocre ones. As your career moves forward, you will add photographs from modelling jobs to your portfolio for competing in Modelling Contest.
Once you’ve got some professional shots and digi’s, the submission process begins. You can go about this in two ways – open calls or direct submission.
Some of the larger agencies have open calls where they open their doors to meet with aspiring models during Modelling Competition certain hours of a particular day. Agencies that have this option will have it clearly stated on their website. Direct submissions are done via email which can be found on the agency websites. Remember to include the best images from your portfolio as well as designs and all your stats.

Fame Box Media also provides a platform for kids and teenagers to start their career in Baby Modelling. Fame Box Media provides a platform for kids and young ones to show their talent in Singing, Dancing, Modelling, Instrument. We help others in achieving their career as per their choice. Register with Fame Box Media and make your career according to your interest.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument

Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without. Participating in Music Competition and playing a musical instrument has many benefits and can bring joy to you and to everyone around you. Let us see some benefits of playing an instrument:

According to a research both listening to music and participating in a Music Competition stimulate your brain and can increase your memory. This research was done on 22 children of age 3 to 4. A group of 15 children did not receive any music lessons. Both groups participated in the same activity. The results showed that who had weekly keyboard lessons improved their spatial temporary skills 34% more than the other children. New research suggests that regularly playing an instrument changes the shape and power of the brain. If you learn how to play an instrument, the parts of your brain that control motor skills, hearing, storing audio information and memory actually grow and become more active.

Learning how to play an instrument requires you to really learn how to be organised and manage your time wisely. A good musician knows that the quality of practice time is more valuable than the quantity. In order for a Music Competition to process quicker, he/she will learn how to organise his/her practice time and plan different challenges to work upon and making efficient use of time. Team skills are a very important aspect of being successful in life. Playing an instrument requires you to work with others to make music. In order for a group to make beautiful music, each player and section must learn how to listen to each other and play together.

Learning to play an instrument takes time and effort which really teaches you patience and perseverance for Kids Contest. Most people can't play every piece of music perfectly at the first time. The majority of musician have to work difficult sections of music multiple times in a row before they can play it perfectly.

The art of playing an instrument requires a lot of hands and eye coordination. By reading musical notes on a page, your brain subconsciously must convert that note into specific motor patterns while also adding breathing and rhythm to the index. Kids Competition of playing instrument comes with its responsibilities. Maintenance and care are very important in keeping an instrument in working condition. Each instrument has different procedures to keep in functioning properly, but most important instruments needs cleaning.

Playing music by yourself needs concentration. You have to keep concentration on things like pitch, rhythm, tempo, note duration and quality of sound. Singing Competition in a group requires more concentration you must learn to not only hear yourself but you must listen to all other sections and plays music in harmony.

Playing an instrument can help you in enhancing your social skills. Participating in a Music Competition can be very fun and exciting. It feels wonderful to hear an audience applaud you for giving the best performance. By this article, you can see that there are many benefits of playing an instrument.

Fame Box Media provides a platform to kids and young ones to show their talent in Singing, dancing, Modelling, Instrument. We help others in achieving their career as per their choice. Register with Fame Box Media and make your career according to your interest.

National Level Contest for your Kids

Fame Box Media is here to provide you with a platform for Kids Contest, Kids Competition in Dancing Competition, Singing Competition, Modelling Competition, Instrument Competition. Give your child an exposure to the Talent Hunt show. Visit : http://www.fameboxmedia.com